What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?

What if the noise of godless media is drowning out the voice of God? Not all media is bad... but maybe the distraction away from God is making harder to hear and see God at work.

This is a journey of a group of high school students who have committed to take 30 days to focus on God through God-centered media. This includes TV, movies, books, magazines, smart phone apps, and many social media outlets.

Here, you can follow their stories, their lives, and their challenges. Feel free to leave comments and encouragement.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

the end

I know that I'm posting this a few days after the media fast has ended but I just now finally got the chance to post.  This year the media fast was amazing.  I loved having the opportunity to talk to all of my non-Christian friends about the media fast, church, and the missions trip.  I can't wait until missions trip and VBS!

Sunday, March 30, 2014


It is awesome to Know that the media fast is over now, but also that we were able to do what we did, but not without the support from our sponsers.  I wanted to say thanks over the internet to all my sponsers, including Mr. & Mrs. Breece, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Battles, and Mr. Guillen, Who all supported me and prayed for me to do well and endure through this challenge.  I also wanted to thank my aunts and uncles, and my grandmothers that also supported me during my fast.  And most of all, the people who supported me the whole time at home and reminded me when I was tempted, that I didn't have to do this for them, or myself, but for God:  My parents, Love you Mom and Dad! Hope you all did well too! 'Till next year.

Last day tomorrow!

Wow! What an amazing 30 days! It has been amazing being able to connect with God over this last month without any social distractions. Yes there have been the ups and downs, but overall I am very satisfied with my progress and the ultimate experience. This was very difficult for all of us! I hope we can all continue to live for God even without the restriction on social media. Great job to everyone and let's get excited for summer camp and the missions trip! Have a great April!
Jacob Lenhart

Beware of Christians

So, recently I watched a movie (by recently I mean I literally just finished it) called Beware of Christians. It's a documentary that follows four college guys-- Alex, Matt, Michael, and Will-- that travel to Europe to escape the routine of American Christianity. They go over seven different topics and talk about the way we see Jesus today, and, as Brennan Manning says, the reason why we as Christians are contributing to the cause of atheism.
     To relate this to Dangerous Wonder, the guys say we've lost our passion for Christ. It becomes an everyday routine, where we go to church and try to follow the Ten Commandments, just going through the motions. We are called to live differently, but a lot of the time look just like everybody else, with our worldly possessions and speech patterns. People today don't believe in Christ because we as Christians don't let our actions and words match. As one of the guys said, we say to beware of drugs, beware of worldly behaviors, beware of influences, but maybe we should beware of Christians, who say we follow Christ and think we have everything figured out, when in reality we don't, and we look just the same as the next guy.
     One of the topics in the movie was about media and entertainment. We definitely don't realize how much the media effects us, so it's great to have the Media Fast to show us what we never would have realized otherwise. And if by tomorrow morning, we're back to being of the world, then there was no real point in the Media Fast at all. I can't read Matt's mind, but I'm pretty sure the point of this is to grow closer to Christ and to realize, afterword, just how much the media got to us and how it changes us and stretches us farther away from God. All these things are temporary, but God is forever and always. God is enough.
     So maybe, today doesn't have to be the last day. Not for real. I know every single one of us will go back to what we missed over the month, but I don't think we should just shove all the Godly books and music away in the Media Fast closet until next year. I'm glad to have been part of the Media Fast this year. The temptation will always be there , but we can do all things through Christ, who gives us strength.
     Thank you everyone for supporting me this month-- See you next year! :)