Well, to say the least, I've survived the first week. It has been an experienc like I have never had. It has been one of those kinds of things that you don't really think it's happening until it impacts you. Hard. This week has been fairly easy, but there were the times when I didn't have anything to do and was tempted to play Crossy Road or check Pinterest. The weekend was the part that impacted me hard. My family doesn't do a lot of tv watching during the week, but we usually watch at least one episode of Upon A Time on Friday and Saturday nights. Last night, we couldn't do that, so we played a card game as a family. It was really fun, and I realized how much I love spending time with my family, even if sometimes they get on my nerves (it happens to all of us). I think that what God wants for me is to see the simple beauties of life. When we are on social media or other forms of entertainment, we miss those pleasures that He has put before us. I noticed a beautiful sunset that I may not have noticed had I been on my phone. I have also been only listening to Christian music or classical music (wordless). For the Christian music, I have tried to listen and think specifically about the lyrics and how they apply to my life. I was listening to Lose My Soul by Tobymac, and the lyrics went something like, "I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul". I think this is true for me; I don't want to gain the most followers or post the best post or pin the greatest pins at the expense of my relationship with God. For the wordless music, I try to focus on the instruments and imagine the people playing them. The music is so beautiful and the musicians are so talented, and I think that there must be a God out there who loves us that He would give us gifts and talents to share with others. And the beautiful thing is that there are so many people that use their gifts and talents to glorify Him. I want that, and I think that fasting from the things that distracts me from doing so will help me discover how to give Him glory.
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14
What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?
Saturday, March 7, 2015
For the Glory of God
The first week
Friday, March 6, 2015
first post
This past year was so crazy, I didn't even think about the Fast until something like three weeks or so ago.
So far, I don't have any real humongous goals or anything for the Fast this year, well, except not going crazy, and making more time to reconnect with God. It is really cool that I have all these people encouraging me to grow because I think that by myself I would have a very hard time with all of this.
So with that, I leave you to your Friday!
Joshua 1:9
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Going Great but Big test underway
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
First days are hard
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 cor. 10:13
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Not Easy
Monday, March 2, 2015
A Call to Fast (and Pray)
As I progress through this challenge, I ask that you would pray for me to keep going strong and grow in my walk with Him. To all my fellow media fast members, I will pray the same for you.
Year Three
My 2015 Media Fast goals:
Stay responsible
Constantly refocus on God
Come to Christ expecting nothing, but needing everything
Be an example of Christ
Strive to please God and not myself
Always be aware of God's endless love
Trust God
Pray for all the people in Globe, Arizona, that their hearts will be open and that we will be a strong positive impact in their lives this summer.
Have pure thoughts
Be a good example for my peers
Keep my sponsors updated, make sure they know just how appreciative I am
Be prompt in my faith
Stay so humble
Remember that the fast was my choice, and I am doing it so that I can impact the kids in Arizona!
Hold confidence in my faith
Seek advice
Love UNconditionally
Keep the mindset of a believer; resist temptation of media
Acknowledge the greatness of God
Stay honest
Stand out as a believer
Be aware that every action is a direct reflection on Christ.
I'm optimistic about this year, and good luck to everyone!!!!!!
xoxo Megan
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Already Difficult
Personal goals
In the Beginning...
So it begins. The famous Media Fast. Though I've never participated in the Media Fast, I have heard of the wonders it can do to people. I hope that by the end of this telltale trial I will see the beauty in all of God's creations, the wonders of His hands. I hope that I will have a better grasp on my time on secular media, and I hope that I can see when I am giving in to my idols instead of focusing on God. I am very excited for this month, but I can feel dread threatening to spill out and distract me from the real purpose. I have heard that it is a hard month; I know that it will take much prayer and perseverance to keep my from turning to my selfish desires and giving in to temptations so simple it would seem they wouldn't be a problem. If course, after having to fast from little things like Pinterest or TV, they will become big temptations. What once seemed like a small, insignificant thing is now a huge temptation. I pray that all of us will persevere and not give in to the temptations of this world. To those who are sacrificing their money to support us, I thank you. It helps us so much to know that there are people who want us to know the Lord and are willing to give money and time in prayer to let us know that they want it, too. To those who are participating along with the high schoolers in this Media Fast, I thank you, too. It means a lot to me that you would not see this a just a month for the high schoolers; you would actually decide to participate along with us. I pray that you all will also be brought closer to the Lord. So, as I said before, so it begins... Good luck!
And So It Begins
so its that time of the year again, the Media Fast. Yes, the time when students give up their social media, TV shows, and movies. The time when high school students focus their hearts and minds on God, and devote their time to Him. I think the Media Fast is wonderful; very difficult at times, but wonderful. It is a time of growth in a Spiritual sense, possibly a time of repair in a relationship with God or with others, and an opportunity to live in a state of total bliss in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. As high school students, there is so much distracting us and A LOT of it comes from secular media. So many temptations and snares of the world that are set up specifically for the people of our generation. This can sometimes be hard to hear; that the things we love, the movies and shows we watch, and the things we post, are temptations. Now, don't get me wrong, not all of the movies or TV shows or social media are bad in and of themselves, but if we are consumed with them in all of our spare time, that's when it might become an issue. It can become almost like an idol and we don't even realize it. We spend so much time in front of our screens or listening to music, that it seems like we need our secular media to get through a day. That is where I believe the media fast can help us incredibly. It gives us the push to get off our media, and show us that we don't really need it. Many teens, myself included, say that they don't read their Bible or pray as much as they should simply because they don't have time; well, if we have time for all of our media, we should definitely have time for the Creator and Savior of the world, shouldn't we? In the month of March, my goal is to take all that time that I would normally spend in secular media and focus directly on God in a form of worship. Whether that is reading my Bible, or praying, or singing, or playing an instrument, my goal is to do everything, EVERYTHING, to His glory. He deserves our all, and we were made to glorify Him in everything we do. That is my heart, and what I am going to strive to do this media fast. I hope you have similar convictions and will strive to do the same. If we are in Christ, we have a desire to be like Him and be in fellowship with Him, sometimes we just need an extra push. In this case, the Media Fast. I will be praying for all of you this month, that you will have strength and peace in His presence, and that you will succeed. I would appreciate your prayers as well. Good luck to all this media fast! And so it begins..