What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
First time for life, love, and the persuit of happiness
So my friend has been going through a hard time with her fiance whom she has been with for two years! Its confusing but anywho, her "MAN" was waiting out side for her to get off and i asked him how he was doing and he hesitated, so i pushed and he finally confessed he had been a real jerk to her. So, the first thing that pops into my head is
1st Corinthians 13:4-7 " ~4~Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud~5~ or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of wrong. ~6~ It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth. ~7~ Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. "
My friend is like a siser to me, but when I came out with that verse I just wanted to yell in amazment that I could share God with This Friend. ! I mean never in my life have I felt obligated to tell others that God is their creator and the creator of this beautiful girl my friend is becoming. and that God allowed him to meet her. Like my life has seriously gone "topsey-turvey"" this Media Fast and i love it. God has shown Him-self to me this month and this time I'm taking him by the hand and Letting Him doing the Leading.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Will We Remember???
But a few days ago, I was reading through James 1, and I noticed a passage that really caught my eye. It was verses 22 through 26, here is what it said...
(22) Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (23)Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror (24) and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediatly forgets what he looks like. (25) But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. (26) If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
Okay, that was a little scary for me... I mean if we consider ourselves religious but we dont keep a hold of what we say, our religion is worthless!!! WORTHLESS! I was thinking about that for the longest time.....and I realized..we(including myself) dont take our religion as serious as we should! I mean during the media fast, when we blog, we all have these deep and heartfelt blogs. But if you think about it, do we ever think this way any other time than in this month?? I mean come on, we all keep these thoughts bottled up inside ourselves, and they only come out one month in a year??? Well, maybe its just me, but Ive noticed that I dont normally talk to my friends about my relationship with God and how we can get closer to him! Sometimes, Im sad to say, I wont talk about it because I think that they'll think its a weird topic or that people dont normally talk about that. Im sure others feel this way and thats why we are never saying whats on our hearts and instead we almost ignore the topic. So my point is really that after the media fast, i usually dont do anything that i talk about in my blogs. It must make God really disappointed to see us truly living our lives for him and after the month practically shun him! I wonder..... will I remember all the things that have come from my heart this month? My true feelings for him?? I am praying so so hard that we wont forget everything that has happened this month. Im praying for each and every one of you! and I hope you will help pray for me and everyone else! I want our christianity and love for God to be true, not worthless! We made a promise to follow through with what his word says! He is keeping his promises to us.....shouldn't we keep ours?
I'm Still Praying!
I believe that each of you are trying to grow up, become your own person, and have your own personal relationship with God... remember the saying, "YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS PERSONAL BUT IT'S NOT PRIVATE". Have someone help keep you accountable... stick with what you know is right... no matter how much you want to go back to your old-self!
I'll see you all Sunday! Don't forget that if you have a pictures for the video awards night, get them to me no later than Sunday Morning! Look at Contest #4 for info and ideas!
Monday, April 27, 2009
DAY 27
God works in mysterious ways. but he does have a plan just go with the flow !
Sunday, April 26, 2009
4 MORE and still Going!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
God is Good
1. I am lending my Sex God to a semi-Jewish, but completely lost
2. I am making C.D.s of a bunch of my Christian music, mainly Barlowgirl but a few others, for my friends who are "Christian", or as I like to call them, Fairweather Christians.
3. Because I cannot rely on TV to fill my time, I am spending a lot more time with my friends and in doing so, hopefully making an impact.
4. I am more often in the mood to hang out with my friends and talk than to watch a movie or TV.
5. It seems as though I am impacting my Morman O'ma through my example and my desires.
6. I have a pen pal in Spain and I get to share Christ with her through this media fast. It is so cool.
This has been probably one of the best media fasts for me. I am growing and even though sometimes it really hurts, it is so worth it. I have changed a few of my behaviors, not really by focusing on them, but by focusing on God and the other amazing things in my life. Like the rain today. Oh my goodness, we still need more rain, but oh wow how amazing. God is so good. It was so pretty!
I've been reading up on other religions and am currently reading about Islam. It is making me so grateful that we have a god who loves us and wants a relationship with us. I remember being at a point in my life where I thought of God as this high and mighty Judgemental person and I was so afraid. How lame would it be to feel like that every day? To worry every moment of every day if you were "good enough" to get to live with God. I am so thankful for His grace. I feel like I need it more than anyone and am so full of gratitude that God is able to forgive me and make me new every day. How amazing!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Star Wars
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First Blog
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
9 days !!
5from the exploritorium 5
Im not sure if im happy or sad that the fast is almost over. On one hand, im glad i can listen to ALL of my music and not just some of it. But on the other hand I love how much closer to God i've come through fasting from media. He's helped me not pick up the secular book from the library that i've been waiting for forever. He's helped me not listen to stuff and challenged me to fill my time with something else. The only problem is school. (that sounds weird) but these next two weeks at DC is star testing. we have this really weird schedule on top of our 4x4 days. since i had all of my electives the first term i have to go back to all those classes even though we dont have a test in any of them. So guess what we've been doing ... BINGO!! who would've known, we are watching movies. So i've already watched edward sissorhands, some like it hot, and shrek, and tomorow we're watching something else. grr i dont think these count since i pretty much have to watch them but ya. So i kinda like mikes idea of capture the flag -- sounds fun! my fingers are super duper sore from playing guitar cause i havent played it in forever so im done typing-- almost--i have to memorize this huge witness statement (3 1/2 pages) for mock trial class and its key to the whole case so i need to go work on it especially since its tomorow!
love you all and i'll be praying!
(comment the post if your interested and lets find a time that works for everyone interested. perhaps the same time we would have normal youth group?)
We are almost done! Im praying for you all. =)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Forget the Music! I Got Jesus!
manager. But previously I was getting impatient with my grandma, and all i could do was pray for God to give me patience and to just be passive with the slow pace of my 60 year old grandma(really she acts and looks maybe 50 lol) anywho, i got to work and one of my co-workers just walked out on us I mean in the middle of a afternoon rush!! That meant my wrapper and expedite had to go take over her job!!! I was short handed and running low on patience, when all the sudden our NEW promoted manager starts getting on to me, (and i WAS frustrated) and he wouldn't do his job, so i'm cleaning and (i work with my bro) and he started spraying water o the floor, and i started to get mad when BAM i already was mopping! All i had to do was mop 2 more seconds than normal lol. But I was so relieved when i kept my cool with all this rush of chaos. and the exciting thing was that i have been struggling with keeping a good attitude toward my parents and grandma and all it took was prayer and God to give me a bit of a push to learn to have patience with some of the people i am around Daily! I know this is irrelevant for you, but it's exciting to know that God IS here 24/7 helping me relax lol WITHOUT MEDIA!!!! (and naturally to cool down i listen to music) SORRY i forgot to write that earlier, lol. Instead of tuning to music I turned to GOD!!
10 More Days
I admit I've broken it a couple times. Oops. Good reasons though, I swear.
I saw Heather's post about Matt going through James next, and I'm reallyyy excited about that. James is my absolute favorite book, I think I've honestly read through it ten times just this month. Looking forward to it a lot.
New music
This fast
Other than that this fast is going really well. Im busy enough to not miss much stuff. Been reading the bible more which is good, and was needed. I just hope that I dont get into coasting mode with the fast. I want to keep focusing on the purpose of the fast and seek God, not just try to not watch tv.
As far as music goes, it has mostly been Matisyahu, subseven, The Devil Wears Prada, and Attack Attack.
Contest #4
Take 30-40 creative pictures of what the 30-day Media Fast means to you. Use a program like animoto.com or other program to make a slideshow and add music. Turn it in by April 30th!
We'll show the videos at the 30MFA Night... on May 7th!
Contest #3
Contest 3 is doing something creative for you small group leader. Show that you love them. Take pictures or video and turn it in to Matt!
Ends on April 30! (extended)
Keep it Up
Take a look at today devo... it's getting intense!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Time is a funny word.
….Break my heart for what breaks yours,
as I go from nothing to, Eternity….
Hey guess what you guys, it think I get it.
Like honestly get it.
[lemme explain]
This week [being what? . . .the third week already?] anyway, its been kind of tough.
I’m at the point where I feel like I’ve seen all the Christian movies that don’t consist of talking vegetables, I’ve heard all the Christian music I like over and over again, and I’ve watched enough of the skit guys to drive someone crazy.
I was thinking, “hmm what can I do now?” And then I realized, I’m just stuffing myself with Christian media. Not necessarily a “bad” thing, but its taking valuable time that I have away from God.
{Ok well maybe its not taking but maybe I’m not choosing to spend more time with God.}
So, from day 15 on, I have challenged myself to read the bible just a little bit everyday. So far its going really well and I’m discovering more about God even with just like 10 minutes of reading. The funny thing is, I guess Matt’s reading through the book of James with us next and that’s the book that I’ve been predominately reading. It’s cool how God works like that.
[Ok also, I’m having a problem with the last contest {#4} I’ve tried animoto.com, but its making me pay if I use 15 photos or more an I don’t really want to make 2 separate slideshows. I tried using my picasa3 program, but movie maker crashes. :[ basically I’m not quite sure what to do next. Any ideas?]
~Heather Dunmoyer
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Getting caught and running
Keep each other accountable this week... check in on each other... and hey, if TP-ing is in your "good ideas on a Friday night" file... pick someone who won't catch you... then clean it up the next day! They'll know you love them!
Thanks guys! You made my night!
Friday, April 17, 2009
im still reading same book and im alomst done but I'v found myself to be drawn in to the words in the book and the bible given having versus in the book helps with looking things up for myself.
anyway to the that has grabbed by the collar and stared me in the eyes .
Christians are so often seen as people that have it all together and have it all figured out.
How much better could we connect to the people around us if we were open and they knew how much of a wreck we really are ?
No one is perfect in fact far from it except Jesus . Sharing in the struggle and hardships not only in the church but also outside of the walls it hasn't been until now that I Finally really understand the whole purpose of " The FIX !"(the ministry that by helping in it got me more connected into arcade) and i love it i finally get the point its not to simply try and get people to the church. Its to show love to people that don't come to the church and get them looking over the fence at the love that is possible within the church and to keep showing them "until it hurts ." and if they come to know christ or not they experience that love and grace that we all have.
another funny thing is im writing a bunch of stuff like poems and raps that have to media fast influence .
Have to... Want to... Need to...
I know, you don't have to be doing this fast... and I'm not talking about the money. But many of you know that you really should keep your commitment... you know it's good to do it. But you don't want to.
Take for instance obeying your parents... the Bible says you have to do it. But you don't want to. But in order to get more responsibility and gain trust from them... and to have ultimate freedom, you need to obey them.
So as you round the final corner next week... don't slack off... think of it this way: You have to finish (you made a commitment), and you may not want to (giving in to feelings is for sissy's), but you need to finish strong.
I'm praying for you... all of you! And I'm proud of you all stepping up this month!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
House... the Movie
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This Is HARD!!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
New Music!
New Cell Phone Blogging Feature
life is like a mud pie
Monday, April 13, 2009
I Just Don't Get It...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
week 2!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
making the best of the fast
Friday, April 10, 2009
Contest #2 Update
Here's what I realized... I have some habits, that when I'm most vulnerable (tired, exhausted, numb), I turn to. I better do some serious reflection and self-evaluation: What things am I turning to in order to "wind-down" and is it really benefiting my walk with God?
So, Monday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon I went to a cabin with my family and Rachael in Truckee. The cabin isn't exactly big. And is really open. So my family almost constantly had on the TV, whether it was Indiana Jones or the game channel. And Raerae had her iTouch almost the whole time. Listening to good music. That I couldn't. It was a hard "vacation" Cuz it was that or snow. And I really dislike snow. The 24-hour thing rocked. It was really fun. I learned that at three in the morning is not a good time to make decisions about sleep. And that the answer is always sleep. While we were bowling Wednesday night, they played some decent music and a few of my favorite songs. Which was a little, I dunno confusing I guess. Cuz I couldn't avoid listening. But I was with the youth group... so I don't quite know what to make of it. Anyway, I think I'm rambling now. I'll stop. haha. So, the point. This stuff is EVERYWHERE. And ridiculously hard to avoid.
the end.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I though this week was going to drag on soo slowly but it’s almost over! These past few days have been amazin’!
So I posted a little banner on facebook saying I was going to be doing a media fast and one of my friends from school emailed me asking what it was about. I explained it to her and she decided to join in! She’s not doing it for fund raising but just for her benefit in growing in her relationship with God. Its so cool how a little post on facebook can impact people in that way.
Things have been a bit difficult though, some of my friends from school think that the media fast is “stupid” and what’s the point of avoiding something if it’s EVERYWHERE. Anyway, I didn’t let it get to me and just explained that It was so I could focus my life more on God. I kept on thinking of that verse in James; for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. So I need to keep the faith and not let what people think get to me, it’s for God after all, not myself. [:
Ok so I’m going to go snap some pictures for the Digital 30 contest.
Au Revoir
~Heather Dunmoyer
Getting Through
Big Daddy Weave
At times we are afraid to stand up for God because we fear to either lose our popularity with others. sometimes we want to stand up for Him but we worry because we don't know what to say or we are scared we might say the wrong things. But if we know that Christ is living in us what is there to fear? If we let Christ take complete control of our lives we can trust Him. He will lead us in the right direction! We can freely stand up for Him and speak the truth without hesitating because God will speak through us. That's what this song reminded me.
"what new
mystery is this?
what blessed backwardness??
the Immeasurable One is held and does not resist!
struck by wicked words and foolish fists of senseless men
the Almighty One does not defend!"
And honestly after hearing that I was like WOAH!
Thats so true because the Love of God is a true mystery and its crazy how much we can try to run from him but he is held there always there.
He never turns away from us.
Yesterday I really reflected on everything that I've really messed up on and my past.
And I can totally see God everywhere even through my mistakes
That no matter how much I may hurt God or harm the life hes laid out before me
he still does not defend himself against me
hes there open arms
Seriously this band is a really good band
Their music may be really different but
theyre words have seriously changed a lot about the way I think
And hey I think thats what it takes to have a different look on things or sound on things
to actually to see something totally new.
I wish I could go on more about this guys lyrics but I would never stop.
Tough Decision
So I show up and there they are... sitting around a table to play cards and eat pizza and watch the game. I had been praying about how I should tell them that I'm on a Media fast when one of them says, "hey, since you're the new guy, you have the seat with your back to the game." Wow! talk about an opportunity. So I told them that actually that works out since I am doing a Media Fast with a group of High School students.
I can go into more detail but actually, what was amazing was the conversation about family, religion, and taking a stand for things. And they respected me for it... turned down the sound... and we enjoyed hanging out, laughing, all the while they watched the game and I did everything I could not to look back... I did take a glance (I admit) but they said "hey, no looking at media." It was really good... and they said they had a lot of respect for all of you... Good Job everyone!
And now, you know I'm human too... but don't tell anyone. It's like revealing that Clark is actually Superman.
Spring Break!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
relief at last
Hardest Day Yet
Life !
Monday, April 6, 2009
Firt Late Post!!!
I went to Monday night bible study at metro and it was on almost the exact same thing. The speaker based most of his sermon around 1 peter 4 and it was about how many things hold us back from living our lives fully committed to following Christ. One of the things that hold us back was what our friends might think or say to us. The main message was that we must love God and love following him more than we love our reputation and being thought of as cool.
It was a very good message and I think it is relevant to all of us. We have all had times when we know that what we should do and the cool thing that we want to do are very different things. We must trust God enough to do the right thing, even if it causes suffering here on earth. 1 peter 3 says it is better to suffer for doing good than doing evil.
Hope everyone’s fast is going well. How was ultimate Frisbee?
Mighty To Save
A love thats never failing,
Let mercy fall on me,
Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a savior,
The hope of nations,
"Savior He can move the mountains,
My God is MIGHTY to Save,
He is MIGHTY to save,
Forever author of salvation,
He roase and conqured the grave,
Jesus conquered the Grave,"
So take me as you find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything i believe in
Now i surrender
" Savior He can move the mountains,
My God is MIGHY to save,
He is MIGHTY to save.
Forever author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conqured the grave,"
"Savior He can move the mountains,
M God is MIGHTY to save
He is MIGHTY to save,
Forever author of salvation,
He rose and conqured the grave,
Jesus conqured the grave,"
Jesus shine your light and let the whole world see,
Were singing for the glory of the risen king,
Wow! This song Hit Me at praise team pracice, i know this sounds dumb but it made me feel Alive for God! It was an awesome feeling. Pray for me tho, I'm sill struggling....
Spring Break!
So yaaaaay its spring break!!!!! But what am i supposed to do??? That was the first thing that I thought of when spring break started! But you know, there are plenty of things that I could do that aren't secular! Like on saturday a bunch of us hungout at chloe's and watched some movies! That was so much fun! And on sunday some of us went to merritt's house and went swimming!!! That was a lot of fun too! So throughout the media fast I'm going to try and hangout with my friends more often! Like there is a park really close to my house and I like to hangout there a lot! ................My dad told me something that I thought was pretty cool, he said that during the fast, I shouldn't just replace all of the media that I watch into more media! Whether it's christian or not! My dad said that the purpose of this fast is not to replace everthing with christian media. But to kind of put aside most of the time i spend on media, and fill it with spending time with God! I thought that was pretty cool! Of course we can still spend our time watching and listening to christian media, but I think that God would be much more pleased with us if we spent time with him! This has kind of been a struggle for me but I'm guessing it'll get quite a bit harder towards the half-way point! But all I ask of you guys is to pray for me to read my bible and actually follow through with what my dad said! I'm not a big fan of reading so reading the bible doesn't sound too great! Alright, so that's about all that I have to say right now. So if you all would please pray for me i'd really appreciate it! I'm praying for you all and I hope you guys trust God and your friends and family to keep you accountable!
~Emm N' Emm
why do we do this
New Music!
Any other bands or music out there that you like? Let us know. Comment on this post!
too much thinking.
So this is kinda what I've been dealing with. Too much time for thinking I guess, rather than mindlessly absorbing the TV for hours. But I really just want to know how to figure this stuff out!
Contest #2
This one could be fun! You get to "build an ARK!". Here's how you do it. You have until Saturday night finish it.
- Get a group of your friends (they don't have to be doing the fast).
- Rent and watch "Evan Almighty".
- Then, as a group, perform an Act of Random Kindness.
- Be creative.
How Did Your First Week Go?
And remember, we need you and your friends to come to the 24-Hour Spring Break event this Wednesday and Thursday... get signed up today!
Folgers in a cup
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Find some time away from the noise and get your Bible out and read through a passage. Spend some time praying for each other... and your families. And keep sharing your stories. I'm praying for you all!
So I realized tonight while i was talking to my dad how much of a struggle this media fast is for me. It's not the part where I'm supposed to stay away from media and center my attention on God, but the accountability. I read that you guys had little get togethers to watch God centered movies and to do certain things to help focus more on God, and I am struggling right now because I don't really have acountability. I don't have christian friends that will be there to back me. I am really trying tho. ====
Week 1
week one
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Costa Rica
first week
Need Yours Prayers ( Cancer)
Contest #1 Ends tonight!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Need Thoughts?
so far, so good.
I hope everyone else is doing well! Try not to forget the purpose of all of this. Its not as much to avoid media as it is to refocus our lives on God. Wow that sounded really cliche. But seriously. Good luck guys!
Sorry, I’ve been meaning to blog for awhile now but school was tying me down. I think it was the official kill-your-students-with-homework-week at my school . . . Anyway.
So these three days have gone really well. I’m spending a lot more time with my brother (David) and he’s helping me pick up my long forgotten guitar chords. So that’s really cool.
The thing that’s been the hardest for me so far is music, but I’m “defeating the temptation” pretty easily.
Ok so, I was reading through the book of James on Wednesday night and a verse really grabbed my attention: James 1: 5-8, 5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8 being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
Wow, powerful stuff. James is that really grounded guy that gets straight to the point and I think this verse explains what someone is like if they can’t defeat the temptation, it really makes me re-think what I’m doing.
Well I’m going to go play USC monopoly and rat slap with my parents. :]
Good luck you guys.
Parents & Families
Keep the stories coming of how the fast is making an impact on your friends... Contest #1 ends tomorrow at midnight!
Tomorrow's devotional (Day 4) may give us some perspective on this... and maybe rekindle something in us about our relationships... check it out on the OurThirtyDevos tab above
Day 3
Thursday, April 2, 2009
so far...
New Thoughts
Here's the thought I had... maybe the key to surviving a fast begins with our relationship with God. Spending time with Him (that's what the OurThirtyDevos are for). But an addition to that is our relationships with each other. Praying together. Hanging out together. Being together... focusing on God... hmmm... sounds kind of like youth group and church.
So what do you think? What are some of your ideas?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Week #1 Contest
OurThirty Devotionals
If you don't see your name...
It Begins
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How to share your journey
1) Keep people up to date weekly, at the very least. The more you write, the more they can follow you and pray for you
2) You will need to have a "g-mail" account. I will make you a "contributer" and then you will recieve an email to log on. Follow the instructions by entering your Gmail account info (Gmail address and password). Once you are logged in, Blogger will come up.
3) On Blogger, you will see "Our Thirty Blog". Click on "New Post". Give your message a Title and begin writing.
4) Try to keep from rabbit trails. You want people to read what you are writing, so be honest and direct.
5) On the bottom of the box you write in, you will see in small print "Labels for this post"... put only your FIRST NAME AND LAST INITIAL in that box. This is VERY IMPORTANT! This is so all your posts will be listed under your name. I put my full name on it but I ask you not to... for your own safety.
6) Then click "Publish Post". If you want to edit it, you can go back and fix it. That's it!
I can't wait to hear your stories, if you need help, call me and I can walk you through it... I'm praying for you! Are you ready?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Here's some things to look forward to during this year's Fast:
- Weekly devotional challenges and updates
- Weekly competitions
- Weekly polls
- A comment and encouragement contest
- Further study and research challenges
- And much more!