What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?

What if the noise of godless media is drowning out the voice of God? Not all media is bad... but maybe the distraction away from God is making harder to hear and see God at work.

This is a journey of a group of high school students who have committed to take 30 days to focus on God through God-centered media. This includes TV, movies, books, magazines, smart phone apps, and many social media outlets.

Here, you can follow their stories, their lives, and their challenges. Feel free to leave comments and encouragement.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Over Already?

     Man, I can't believe that the media fast went by that fast! I remember at the beginning of the fast when I thought I would be dreading every day and would have nothing to do but, it happened to be the opposite. I had a lot of work at school because of spring break and during spring break we were pretty busy with family and trips. Even though we were busy I still feel like I got a lot more connected to God through all the movies I watched, songs I listened to and through reading my bible. This media fast really helped me with the way I reacted to things and after the fast I can see myself getting a little more angry over small things. So, even though the fast is over I am going to try to limit myself on media and read my bible more often.  All in all, I can't wait for next year's media fast and I am grateful for all the people who supported and prayed for me throughout the fast.

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