What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?

What if the noise of godless media is drowning out the voice of God? Not all media is bad... but maybe the distraction away from God is making harder to hear and see God at work.

This is a journey of a group of high school students who have committed to take 30 days to focus on God through God-centered media. This includes TV, movies, books, magazines, smart phone apps, and many social media outlets.

Here, you can follow their stories, their lives, and their challenges. Feel free to leave comments and encouragement.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Another Week Gone!

     Another week gone just like that! This month is going way more faster than I thought it would. I expected myself to dread every day, yet I just find myself enjoying the small things a lot more. For example, I was driving home from IKEA and I look at the sky (I was bored since would usually be on my phone) and I see the clouds. It was honestly one of the coolest things I've seen. They were just all so fluffy and big like in the movies, yet seeing it in person was a lot more different. I had a little humbling moment and realized once again that God is way bigger and greater than I can ever be. So, that was pretty awesome but, there is still another couple of weeks left so we must all stay strong till the end!

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