What is a 30-Day Secular Media Fast?

What if the noise of godless media is drowning out the voice of God? Not all media is bad... but maybe the distraction away from God is making harder to hear and see God at work.

This is a journey of a group of high school students who have committed to take 30 days to focus on God through God-centered media. This includes TV, movies, books, magazines, smart phone apps, and many social media outlets.

Here, you can follow their stories, their lives, and their challenges. Feel free to leave comments and encouragement.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Deprivation isn't a bad thing

Being deprived of something does not come easily today. Most everything we want comes at just about the push of a button. Just like deprived of certain foods can help our health, being deprived of social media can help improve our overall attitude and focus on God. Sure we have our favorite T.V show that might put us in a happy mood or that one song that we could play on repeat singing and dancing to, but it never gives us the same kind of joy of that when we are singing and dancing and spending time with God. He has given me the gift and love of music, which will be the most challenging media for me to give up, but thank goodness for worship music! I am looking forward to being deprived and listening more to what God has to say to me, rather than the world.

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:28

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